
Shoppa helps you to save both time and paper. For example, if you have a A5-sized sign in your account, it is a size that can fit twice onto an A4-sized paper. Shoppa knows this. This means that if you queue two A5-sized signs, and thereafter click Print, Shoppa will cleverly place the A5-sized signs on the same A4-sized paper.

From version 2.18 onward you can print a sign without having to add it to the printer queue. By solely clicking on the Print icon, Shoppa will print the template that you have currently open. 

How to print


1. Drag and drop a product to the template.
2. Select a format.
3. Click the Add to Printer Queue icon (the blue plus icon).
4. Click on the Print icon to print all formats placed in queue.
5. To clear the queue, click on the Delete Printer Queue icon (the red x icon).

Keyboard shortcuts

ctrl+q = Add to Printer Queue
ctrl+p = Print
tab = Go to Next Input Box
shift+tab = Go to Previous Input Box

Print several at the same time – make copies


1. Drag and drop a product to the template.
2. Select a format.
3. Click on Add to printer queue (the blue plus icon).
4. Right-click the blue plus icon and type in how many copies of the chosen format you want to print. Click Ok.