
Multi-print is a function that makes work more efficient. It can be used to generate bigger volumes of print, from your search results, from a product group or to print all or part of a campaign. This function only works for those who have product information integrated into Shoppa.


1. Select a 1 product template (it does not work with templates for multiple products).
2. Click the Select All button to select all products.
3. To deselect all products, click the Select None button.
4. Select products one by one by clicking on them, which will turn them yellow-marked. To deselect any product, click on it again.
5. Once you have one or more products selected, the Add to Printer Queue button will also turn yellow. By clicking the highlighted (yellow) plus button, all chosen products will be added to the printer queue with the selected template.
6. Click the Printer icon to print.