Tag/binding descriptions


The field is intended for the amount in a pack.
Amount is used together with Unit for calculation of the comparative price.

Example: 150-300 (g), 1 (kg), 330 (ml), 2 (l)


The field is intended for the product’s brand. If there is a brand logo it is usually connected to this field.

Example: Orrefors, Kellogg’s, Adidas

Chain specific fields

(text1, text2, etc)
There is a number of general text fields which can be used for different purposes.


The field describes the product’s color.


The field is intended for the name of the supplier of the product. A supplier can, in turn, have several brands which are inserted under the field Brand. If the supplier has a logo it is usually connected to this field.

Country of origin

(country of origin)
The field is intended for the country of origin. For instance, an apple could have e.g. Sweden in this field.


The field describes the product’s depth (measurement).


The field describes the product’s diameter.

EAN 13

The field is intended for an EAN13 code. Often used for product searches and for generating bar codes.


The field specifies the effect of the product.

Example: 1800 (W) is the effect of a vacuum cleaner.


The field is intended for supporting information to the sales staff. Recommended number of letters is between 200 and maximum 400.


The field can contain information that is displayed on store labels, usually placed on the shelf by the product, as a support for inventory and order.

Example: The product is ordered by the “””; every “”” contains 12 products. The wholesaler’s Id information or name could also be included in the field.


Keywords used to search for the product. These words are usually not available in the product’s description. For instance, keywords could be misspelled words or synonyms.

Long description

The field is intended for a detailed description of the product. The field often contains several rows and has a small font size. Recommended number of letters is between 200 and maximum 400. If there is a 4th product picture, it is usually associated with this field.

Multi-offer Amount

The field is intended for the number of products in a multi-offer.

Example: a chain wants to sell two products for the price of one. The value of the multi-field would be 2.

Multiple codes

(code1, code2, etc)
There are several chain specific code fields which can be used to give a product multiple codes.

Pack Size

The field is intended for the number of products in a bigger pack.


The field describes which page the product is in, e.g. in a mailshot.


The field is intended for the product’s price. During a campaign, “pricebefore” will automatically be inserted in Shoppa.

Example: The price of a product in the system is “99.00”. The campaign C1 is defined as being active from date A to date B and the price of the product is “79.00”. When a Shoppa user starts to print signs for this product the product’s price will be displayed as “79.00” and “99.00” be displayed as price before.

Price combined

(price combined)
A manual input for a bundle price. Often used together with the calculation Save Price combined to calculate how much one saves by buying a pack.

Price recommended

The field is intended for the price the supplier recommends to his retailers.

Product name

The field is intended for the name of the product. Recommended number of letters is between 10 and maximum 20. If there is a product picture it is usually connected to this field.

Example: Running shoe


This field describes the attributes or characteristics of a product. For instance; density or strength in a material. If there is a 5th symbol for branding such as an Eco-label, it is usually connected to this field.

a. Material: Lead crystal.
b. Ingredients: Corn flour, sugar, malt, spice, salt, sugar, malt, vitamin C, niacinamide, iron, riboflavin (vitamin B2).
c. Material: Leather.


The field is intended for the value of the recycling refund of a product.

Sales argument long

The field is intended for a longer selling product text. Recommended number of letters is between 200 and maximum 400.

Sales argument short

The field is intended for a short selling product text. Recommended number of letters is between 20 and maximum 50.

Sales package unit

(sales package unit)
For instance, if you sell 500g pcs of pork tenderloin for 49kr/kg, the sales package unit is “kg”.


The field is intended for seals such as fair trade, eco-/green labels etc. If there is a seal/symbol it usually connected to this field.

Short description

The field is intended for a short product description, where the product properties or differences to a similar product is described. The field is supposed to contain a small number of letters combined with a relatively large font size. Recommended number of letters is between 20 and maximum 50. If there is a 3rd product picture it is usually connected to this field.


The field is intended for technical details such as measurements, ingredients, volume, and energy consumption. Recommended number of letters is between 20 and maximum 50.

Sub Brand

The field is intended for the product’s sub-brand. If there is a 2nd brand picture it is usually connected to this field.

Example: The product Diet Coke is the sub-brand of Coca-Cola.

Target group

The field is intended for age recommendations, e.g. accompanied by adults/3+yrs. If there is a 3rd seal, such as an eco-label, it is usually connected to this field.

Technical namne

The field is intended for the product’s technical name. If there is a 2nd product picture it is usually connected to this field.

a. Champagne – Diamond Edition
b. Kellogg’s Special K cereal
c. Adidas Goodyear Race Leather


The field is intended for recommendations on product care. Recommended number of letters is between 200 and maximum 400. If there is a second seal such as e.g. Svanenmärkt, it is usually connected to this field.


The field is intended for the product’s measurements.

Example: kg, g, ml etc.


The field describes the volume of the product.

Example: 1m³ (one cubic meter).


The written warranty that is given to the buyer of a new product.

Example: Specification of how the supplier will repair the product if it breaks.


The field describes the width of the product.